Channel: High Performance Academy
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: autoracingbearingswtachp academymotorsportshpa tuned inwiringpodcasthpaefi tuninglearn to tunearptuninggtr4g63world time attack challengeengine buildingcarshorse powerhigh performance academyracecraftautomotiveclearanceshead studsdistortion
Description: Would you buy aftermarket studs, like those ARP offer, and not torque them to spec? We wouldn't. Here's why. ------------------------------------ 🙋♂️ Take $25 USD off ANY HPA course with coupon code: YOUTUBE25 Enroll now: ------------------------------------ In this 'Today At HPA' update we take a look at block distortion, DBW vibration issues and solutions for motorsport applications with solid engine mounts and plenty of vibration, a Mitsubishi 4g63 powered Nissan R32 GTR and a quick overview of a recent podcast episode with Mike Burroughs, the multi skilled man behind Stanceworks. ------------------------------------ TIME STAMPS: 0:00 - Introduction to members Webinar '305 | Pit Limiter Setup' 0:28 - Win A Race Seat: Closes 2nd May 2022 2:08 - WTAC - World Time Attack Challenge 3:08 - Why We Use Aftermarket Head Studs 4:50 - Tunnel Distortion And Solution: Line Honing 5:36 - A Poor Alternative Solution: Less Clamping Force 6:37 - Our Intercooler Fin Issue 8:18 - The Solution: One That Wasn't Sub Par 8:40 - DBW - Drive By Wire Vibration Gremlin 9:50 - DBW Mounting Solution: Easy 10:50 - 4g63 Powered R32 GTR Weight Distribution 13:37 - Double Wishbone Suspension, ABS, 'Strut' Setup 14:55 - DBW Blow Off Valve & Anti Surge 15:35 - Surge Is Bad, Not Just For Turbocharger 16:21 - WTAC Vids On The Way 16:41 - HPA Tuned In Podcast 17:12 - Mike Burroughs: Stanceworks 19:01 - Learn More, Win Stuff, Live Life, Enjoy. Any Order. ------------------------------------ ⚠️ Racetech comp: - Closes 2nd May 2022 🏎 Want to learn how to EFI tune? Start with some free lessons right here: Check us out: Have a listen: Steal our wardrobe: #highperformanceacademy #headstuds #distortion #dbw #wtac #4g63 #gtr #tunedin #podcast #todayathpa #update #learntotune #enginebuilding101 #dontletthesmokeout #wiring101 #dieseltuning #datanerd #gofasterwithdata #racecraft #learndriveoptimise #motorsports